Vár Vár Vár Vár Vár
Í várligum ovfarakæti seta vit inn eina fína, dreingjareyða yrking eftir eysturríkska rithøvundin Elfride Jelinek, sum í 2004 fekk Nobel heiðurslønina. -Ja,ja, vit vita væl av, at kavaódn kann bresta á hvørja løtu, men í skrivandi stund er lýtt og sólin skínur. Yrkingin hevur heitið "Vár".
april breath
of boyish red
the tongue crushes
strawberry dreams
hack away wound
and wound the fountain
and on the mouth
perspiration white
from someone's neck
a little tooth
has bit the finger
of the bride the
tabby yellow and sere
the red boy
from the gable flies
an animal hearkens
in his white throat
his juice runs down
pigeon thighs
a pale sweet spike
still sticks
in woman white
an april breath
of boyish red