Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Randi Ward: dregs

Randi Ward hevur sent okkum henda filmin og yrkingina "dregs", sum er grundað á tíðina, tá hon búði í Hestoy. Tað hendir nógv kring Randi í løtuni. Hon er yrkjari og hennara yrkingar verða hetta heystið almannakunngjørdar í The Bitter Oleander, Cold Mountain Review, Beloit Poetry Journal og Skidrow Penthouse. Hon er eisini týðari og fotograf, og eitt foto-essay úr Hestoy verður almannakunngjørt í heyst í Cold Mountain Review. Randi hevur týtt tvær av yrkingunum hjá Tóroddi Poulsen í Útsýni, sum koma í The Bitter Oleander í heyst.

Shot on location at Ytri-Tindstaðir 
Directed and shot by Gunnar Steinn Úlfarsson
Music by Skúli Sverrisson from Seria (2006)

Randi Ward: dregs

A copper kettle
hides its cobweb
from the sun.

The handle’s broken
off the door,
but it still shuts.

A cup of coffee
laced with notes
of cardamom.

No bitter aftertaste
to bait
my scalded tongue.

My windows only
look this dirty
in the sun.

The handle’s broken
off the door,
but it still locks.

A cup of coffee
doesn’t care
what it becomes.

Drink it to the dregs
then leave it
when it’s done.


The curtains draw me
when they’re tired
of the sun.

No more mistaking
gusts of wind
for friends long gone.

A cup of coffee
doesn’t care
what it becomes.

Drink it to the dregs
then leave it
when it’s done.