Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunleif Rasmussen í The Telegraph

Tónleikaummælarin Ivan Hewitt ummælir í dagsins The Telegraph konsertina hjá BBC Symfoniorkestrinum leygarkvøldið, har norðurlendskur tónleikur var á skránni. Ummælið er positivt sum heild og verkið hjá Sunleif Rasmussen verður tikið fram sum serliga originalt. Ummælarin hómar í hesum tónleikinum: "a glimpse of something stark and strange.." 

"Around this core were a dozen works by composers from across the whole Nordic region. They proved what we might have guessed: the area is now just as globalised as everywhere else, so a regional flavour is hard to discern. And yet despite the Americanised sheen of certain pieces, or the Frenchified gorgeousness of others, a glimpse of something stark and strange sometimes emerged, as in the very strange Prelude for Brass by the Faroese composer Sunleif Rasmussen."
