Felagið Føroysk Tónaskøld (Association of Faroese Composers) organizes the annual Summartónar festival in concert halls all over the Faroe Islands. With its focus on composition, the Sommartónar festival is a continuous, vital dynamo in the development of Faroese music. This year we celebrate the 20th Summartónar festival.
The 2011 festival programme reflects its role as a platform for new works by Faroese composers, many of them first performances. In the past few years, Summartónar has also presented improvised music, as well as contemporary folk music and a few rock concerts.
Summartónar is international: as well as works by Faroese composers, this year's festival features artists from Canada, New Zealand, USA, Belgium, Ireland, France, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland performing international programmes.
This year's festival involves cooperation with various other events and regional organizers, combining our efforts to maximise benefits. The concert series runs all summer, from June 7th to August 17th.
Summartónar's partners are:
Fólkatónleikastevnan (Faroe Islands Folk Festival)
G! http://www.gfestival.com/
The Nordic House http://www.nlh.fo/
Kristianshús (Mykines) http://heima.olivant.fo/~mykines
Vága Kunningarstova http://www.visitvagar.fo/vagar.fo
Norðlýsið http://www.nordlysid.com/
Hvonn http://www.hvonn.fo/
Gjáargarður http://www.gjaargardur.fo/
Leikalund http://www.leikalund.com/
Grót www.facebook.com/add_email.php#!/pages/Tonleikasamtakid-Grot/128611720486333
Sands Listasavn & Sands Bókasavn
Kunningarstovan í Sandoy http://www.visitsandoy.fo/
Kunningarstovan í Nólsoy http://www.visitnolsoy.fo/
Gamli Skúlin í Sørvági http://www.visitvagar.fo/vagar.fo
Mentanarhúsið í Fuglafirði http://www.menthus.fo/