Thursday, May 24, 2012

Føroyingur við á biennalu

Ein biennala er heilt einfalt ein framsýning, sum verður hildin annað hvørt ár. Vit kenna helst best Venedig-biennaluna og kanska eisini biennaluna í Berlin og hana í Sao Paulo, men í ár verða vit eisini varug við eina aðra stóra biennalu, sum verður í Liverpool, tí har verður ein føroyingur við. 

Tað er avgjørt ikki á hvørjum degi, ein føroyingur tekur lut á teimum stóru listabiennalunum. Hetta kemst m.a. av, at einki hevur verið gjørt frá føroyskari síðu fyri at fáa hetta at henda. Tað hevur sera stóran týdning fyri listafólkini at sleppa við á biennalurnar, tí tað er her, tey koma í sambandi við onnur innan listaheimin, eins og luttøka á biennalunum økir um útbreiðsluna av kunnleikanum til listafólkini. 

Danska listaráðið (Statens Kunstråd) bjóðar javnan útlendskum kuratorum frá ymsum biennalum til Danmarkar at hitta listafólk, og hetta hevur við sær, at donsk listafólk fáa møguleikan at gerast altjóða kend. Tað er einki, ið forðar okkum í at gera tað sama, og hetta skuldi heldur ikki verið so dýrt. Nú fáa vit at síggja hvat luttøkan í Liverpool Biennial førir við sær fyri Hanna Bjartalíð. Fyribils kunnu vit frøast um, at hann er boðin við á størstu samtíðarlistaframsýningina í Bretlandi. Hon letur upp 15.september og temaið í ár er gestablídni, sum tað stendur í skránni hjá biennaluni:  "The Unexpected Guest explores notions of hospitality. Leading and emerging artists have been commissioned to make permanent and temporary public artworks as well as long-term community-based projects. The artists have been invited to question our ability to be ‘unprepared’. Can we afford to be hospitable in these critical times?". 

Biennalan er av sonnum ovurstór og verkini hjá Hanna Bjartalíð verða framsýnd í norðuratlantspaviliongini sum partur av "City States" framsýningini. Íslendska Sigurður Guðjónsson fer somuleiðis at sýna fram har, umframt eitt grønlendskt listafólk, sum vit enn ikki kenna navnið á. Í tíðindaskrivi frá biennaluni skriva tey m.a. um postkoloniala tíðarskeiðið og um norðurlendskan samleika:  

"North Atlantic Pavilion: Liverpool Biennial 2012              

15 September to 25 November 2012

Curated By NICE (Nordic Intercultural Creative Events) & Curated Place

The inaugural North Atlantic Pavilion will bring together artists from Greenland, Iceland and the Faroes as part of 'City States'. The new pavilion will shine a light on contemporary visual arts practice taking place in the outer regions of the Nordic region often ignored by the mainstream artworld. Responding to the theme ‘Hospitality’ the project will present the works of artists Sigurður Guðjónsson (Iceland), (Greenland - TBC), and Hanni Bjartalíð (Faroe Islands) and will be co-curated by Curated Place and NICE (Nordic Intercultural Creative Events) to respond to the overarching Biennial theme of ‘Hospitality’.

The North Atlantic region explored in the pavilion represents a unique interaction of diverse localised cultures spread over a vast area that nonetheless have all at one time in recent history been officiated over and represented to the outside world by the Danish Flag. Each island occupies a different state on the road to post-colonialism; Iceland being fully independent since 1944, the Faroes now self-governing with Danish sovereignty, while Greenland remains within the Kingdom of Denmark albeit an autonomous country.  As such the tension between local and centralised Danish culture, and broader Nordic identity, occupy a space within the discursive construction of each culture and their ever-transformative national identity.  Nevertheless, at times they all remain represented under the umbrella of Nordic identity – an identity that remains firmly shaped by the hegemonic voice of mainland Scandinavia - no matter how far along the road of independence each may be.

As such there exists a layering of the rituals of hospitality, both at home and when played out in non-Nordic space. On the surface all appear to be an exercise in welcoming, however, when deeper analysed questions are raised over the choices made by the host as they reveal codified tensions between lived identities and the de/re-territorialisation of space by actors who are at once citizens fiercely of their country, yet nonetheless Nordic.

We will showcase installation and moving image works by artists from each of the countries whose work explores, challenges and dissects the tensions that exist in simultaneously embracing a strong national and regional identity - focusing especially on work that challenges the received notions, surface appearances and hegemonic norms of what hospitality means.  Their work explores existential issues where the global and the colonial still overlap and intersect.  They set out to question how even in a world being transformed by the digital era nationalism and even regional identity remain a construct of mythical narratives implemented on specific artefacts:  artefacts that will be exposed to further acts of territorial negotiation in the context of Liverpool Biennial 2012. The inaugural North Atlantic Pavilion is supported by Centre for Icelandic Art, Faroe Islands Ministry of Culture, the Nordic Cultural Fund and by the Kulturkontakt Norden Culture and Art Programme."

Sum skilst á tíðindaskrivinum omanfyri er norðatlantiska pavilliongin stuðlað av okkara mentamálaráði og tað er at fegnast um. Sum skilst er tað framsýningin "Is there anybody home", sum Hanni Bjartalíð hevði á Norðurbryggjuni í Keypmannahavn, sum hevur ført til, at kuratorin Andy Brydon hevur lagt merki til verkini hjá honum.  Vit á listablogginum kundu ómetaliga væl hugsað okkum at vitjað norðuratlantspaviliongina á Liverpool Biennaluni og bloggað um okkar upplivingar, men nú fáa vit at síggja. Umframt at sýna fram á Liverpool biennaluni fer Hanni Bjartalíð eisini at hava framsýningar í Listasavni Føroya og í Íslandi, meir um hetta seinni. Fyribils seti eg nakrar fotomyndir inn av verkum hjá Hanna Bjartalíð.